Thief Simulator

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Thief Simulator series games are qualitatively developed simulators, where you play as a thief. The player is required to participate in almost all aspects of the dark business, from planning, to direct participation in the process and the sale of stolen goods. You will have to go from a petty thief to a professional, who will be able to cope with any obstacles and get out of the house without leaving suspicion.

What games in the series have been released?

Thief Simulator has been released in several parts. Three numbered, parts are waiting for you, telling the story of different characters united by one fate. In them, the main features of gameplay are often repeated, but at the same time there are their own features, thanks to which each new release gives players new impressions and emotions. There is also a special version developed on the Roblox platform. It allows you to take a fresh look at the passage of tasks, as well as the whole series as a whole. Some moments here are simplified, but the gameplay remains as interesting. Do not forget about the version with modifications, which allows you to transform the classic both externally and in terms of gameplay.

What makes the game series stand out?

The main difference from many other simulators is the theme to which the game is dedicated. This is a bold and unusual solution that has interested many players. Thanks to good elaboration and elaborated details, the gameplay is fascinating for many hours.

An important aspect of the game should be considered the presence of the progression element. As the players progress, they can sell stolen goods, buy items needed for stealing, and improve the character’s skills. All this allows you to cope with complex and large missions. If at the very beginning you are waiting for missions with minimal defense, then at later stages there will already be multi-level interesting tasks that require the use of all acquired skills.

What actions are available to the player?

Since the main task of the game is to simulate theft, almost all available activities are related to this process. The game gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the criminal world, where you will be engaged in breaking into other people’s property. To do this, you will have to disable security systems, pick locks, break the windows of houses and apartments. Once inside, you need to find valuable items, create disorder in the house and fulfill other orders of customers.

An important aspect of this game is the freedom of action. The player is free to choose what tasks he will perform. Selection of objects that need to rob, method and other features. All this is chosen by the player. You will select the targets, make plans for each robbery, depending on the actual capabilities of the character and the associated risks.

How to make a plan?

You need to study the daily behavior of the victims. The easiest thing to do before committing a crime is to buy information from relevant people. If you do not want to spend money, then you will have to study the behavior of the inhabitants of the house, looking for weaknesses yourself. This will allow you to determine the best time to break in and from which place it is better to get inside.

After the planning stage, you go to the place to steal things. You need to stick to the plan you made or improvise on the spot, as not everything always goes according to plan. If you go to the deed without preparation, there is a high risk of getting caught. Not only will you be caught by the tenants, but the neighbors can call the police, and you do not prepare a plan to retreat.

Tasks for the player

A distinctive feature of the series are well-designed tasks, approaching realism. Small houses are not as well protected as large ones, so they are found mostly in the first stages. During such missions, you learn and get the right skills for both yourself and your character. When the player is trained to use all the abilities, then he can proceed to complex complex complex missions, for which he will get the most points. Almost all tasks are related to stealing, which is what the basis of the series suggests, but there may be additional tasks in addition to this. While passing through the house, the player may be asked to spoil a certain property or steal a certain item. For this you get extra points and money from customers.


As in many other simulators, there is an economic component. For completed tasks, you get money from the sale of loot. You can use them to purchase thieves’ equipment. The more the character will loot property, the more quality equipment for the next task you get. This will help you to break into complex locks, disable cameras and so on.

Comments (1)
  1. Alexander:

    Thief Simulator: Exciting heists, sneaky adventures

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