Amanda The Adventurer

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The plot of Amanda The Adventurer game sends you to the old house where the main character once lived. You receive a note from your aunt, who advises you to explore the attic and find what you need to see. Once in the described location, you start your search. At this point, the game offers a first-person view. You search for items, searching all corners of the attic to find what your relative was talking about. This item is a videotape of a children’s program. After you find it, you need to watch everything on the VCR.

What’s next?

After you insert the cassette into the player, you start watching the show. This is an interactive program in which you will have to participate directly. The main character, along with her friend, tells various useful things for children, asks questions for better assimilation of the material and asks you to help you find the right items. Here you will have to mouse and keyboard to perform the specified tasks. But gradually they become more and more dangerous and complex, which does not fit into the format of a children’s program. Going further, you will have to solve the mystery behind this show.

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