DEEEER Simulator

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The game Deeeer simulator is a simulator of a deer that found itself in the city limits. The wild animal found itself inside a populated area, feels around one danger and does not know what to do next. The animal turned out to be so wild that having found pistols on the street, it immediately attached them to its head and started shooting at the surrounding people.

What is the appeal of the game?

Despite the fact that the game belongs to the simulator genre, there is a huge number of assumptions here. All of them are designed to provide maximum fun for players, creating a lot of absurd situations. You have complete freedom of action, so exactly how the gameplay will happen depends entirely on you. But with a deer with guns strapped to its head, there aren’t many options left. On the task you need to destroy the environment in the locations where the character is located, and destroy all those around you. You become a death machine that cannot be stopped. You need to quickly and efficiently deal with nearby objects, for which you have two modes. In one mode you are a regular four-legged deer firing pistols, and in the second mode you are a bipedal deer that prefers hand-to-hand attacks.

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