Doors And Rooms (Roblox Doors)

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The game Doors and rooms roblox doors combines the genres of horror, quests and adventure. The view is presented from the first person, so the player is better immersed in his character, who witnessed unexplained mystical events. You need to help him deal with the unusual place in which he found himself, and get out alive and well.

What is the essence of the game?

You are tasked to get out of the room. But this is not an ordinary place. You are in a house with a hundred rooms, where otherworldly creatures live. To get out of it, the player needs to pass all the rooms and still survive. Each room has its own secrets. They may be empty, they may contain furniture, and they may be haunted. Some locations have keys and coins hidden for the player. This helps to cope with the riddles and difficulties along the way. Sometimes you will be attacked by ghosts, from which you will have to hide or perform other actions necessary for survival. Some riddles are solved by depositing the right amount of coins, while others are solved by finding items. Therefore, you need to study each room in detail to get to the last one.

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