Only Up 3D

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The game Only up 3d belongs to three-dimensional platformers. The peculiarity of the game is that your end point is at the top. The whole route of advancement is based on the fact that you climb up, using for this purpose all improvised objects. You start the passage on an industrial location, where you need to climb up through various equipment. Gradually, the things tied to the ground end, and your hero is already climbing up through the objects hanging in the air, which is both difficult and interesting.

What is the essence of the game?

The main goal of the passage is to climb to the highest point. Each level of the game is a three-dimensional pyramid, on which you need to climb higher and higher until you reach the end. The higher you climb, the more difficult the passage becomes. The surrounding objects become thinner, they are farther apart, which leads to falls and re-traversal. Your character doesn’t die, he just falls to the ground and from the point of falling continues his journey. You need to learn how to pass the location as fast as possible to maximize your points. You don’t have any extra abilities, so everything is achieved only by speeding up and jumping.

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