Thief Simulator 1

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The game Thief Simulator 1 is quite an interesting simulator in which you play as a thief. Here you are required to follow the houses of your victims, collect information about when no one is home, etc. You need to study their daily routine, make plans, choose the most vulnerable places, as well as act covertly on the spot, assessing the current situation. During the passage you will have to break locks, communicate with fences of stolen goods, bypass security systems, pick up orders for goods, steal items and sell them through special sites.

What makes the game stand out?

The distinctive aspects of the game include the combination of strategy, tactics and stealth action elements. Each case consists of several stages, from preliminary, when you need to buy information or inspect the environment, to the actual penetration into someone else’s house. Each of the stages is important, as miscalculating one important moment will lead to difficulties you will not be able to fulfill what you planned or you will be spotted. This is a first-person simulator, so the player sees the same thing as his character. The limited view makes the playthrough more tense and exciting. You can’t see what’s going on behind you, which increases the risk of being spotted. You need to constantly look around and act quietly so as not to attract unnecessary attention.

How does theft happen?

You are required to do everything quietly, so pre-planning is an important aspect. Once you are prepared, you travel by car to the desired location. You have an address that you need to find on your own by looking at the signs on the house. The thief should park the car so that it would be convenient to load the loot and drive away unnoticed by the neighbors. Based on the information received or on your own search, you should find a vulnerable place through which you can get inside. As a rule, it is required to get through the fence and get into the house itself. On each task the specifics will change, which makes the game more varied and interesting. Sometimes you’ll need to find specific items in the house, and other times you’ll just need to pick up the most valuable items. After you fill up your inventory, you need to make an escape. With the proceeds you will be able to buy additional equipment, thanks to which you will be able to cope with more difficult tasks.

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