Thief Simulator 2

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Thief Simulator 2 game is a continuation of the ideas of the first part of Thief Simulator. It retains the best of the original and adds interesting updates. Players are waiting for improved graphics, well-designed environment, updated behavior of people. All this gives new impressions from passing and makes you develop strategies not used before.

What is the game about?

Here you play as a thief, climbing into other people’s houses and stealing things. The game diligently reproduces every aspect of this process, taking into account the factors that a person might encounter in such a situation. Your main goal is to collect money, so you need to choose the most valuable items to sell and search for money. Each case is unique and needs to be worked out beforehand. When entering private territory, you will be faced with various tasks, including new conditions. In some cases, you need to find a specific thing at the request of customers. There may also be a wish that the thief breaks dishes in the house or does not leave a trace of his penetration. In each case, you need to solve the tasks on the spot, focusing on the emerging situation

How to play?

During the walkthrough, you initially go through a tutorial. It shows you the basic actions available to the player and the rules. You find yourself on the territory of a private house. The thief needs to get into the room, for which you can break the lock, find a secret entrance or break a window and climb inside. Many final decisions are left to the player and affect the further development of events. If you are very frantic, you can attract the attention of passersby or neighbors. You are not allowed to be seen by passers-by while committing a crime, but you can meet pedestrians while preparing and during the retreat if you don’t attract attention and don’t hold any stolen items.

Economics in the game

The economic aspect of the walkthrough has to do with selling things. When you don’t have a wide range of opportunities to sneak into a rich house, you should steal from less wealthy people who have a simpler defense system but no expensive items. By selling what you take out of the house, you can buy new burglary tools. The new things will allow you to open complex locks, keep you safe by being silent. After that, you will be able to earn more money per level than before.

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