Thief Simulator Roblox

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The game Thief Simulator roblox is a copy of the famous thief simulator, which has gained wide popularity among players. Here tried to reproduce the main aspects of the game on the Roblox platform, which brought its own features in the gameplay, appearance and design.

What do you need to do in the game?

As in the original, you are required to steal. Each mission is a planned penetration into someone else’s house, when there are no owners and steal things there. Sometimes you just need to carry away anything of value that can be sold. Other times you need to find a specific item that customers want. From such trips you can get the most profit, but in this case you will have to go on difficult assignments at your own risk. After the case is completed, you need to sell the loot and buy for yourself new things that contribute to further advancement. Improved lock picks, flashlights, lock picking tools and other items will help you reach more secure houses where you will find more valuable items.

How to play?

You control a thief while breaking into a house. The player sets the direction of the character’s movement and chooses the tools for his work. For each obstacle you need to choose your own means of solution. Sometimes you need to find the key, using additional lighting with a flashlight in the dark, and sometimes just break the glass with something heavy. You can also use lock picks and other things. Using tools pumps up your characteristics. You need to stay undetected while grabbing as many items as possible to sell on the black market.

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