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The game Backrooms is an interesting atmospheric horror game. Here the player will go to the world of parallel reality. It is filled with labyrinths consisting of corridors and empty rooms. Everything is decorated in the same style, so it is easy to get lost here and stay forever. Your task is to get out of this place. But in this case the player will be hindered by monsters that inhabit this place. You can’t see them, but you will hear them coming. It may well be the last thing you hear.

How to play?

You find yourself in a deserted room, from which there are several exits. There is a time counter in front of you. The player needs to last a set number of minutes to get out of the mysterious place. Stop and do nothing, as well as mindlessly run forward, you can not. This will attract monsters and you will die. You need to understand the peculiarities of the workings of this world to properly recognize the approach of the enemy. The player needs to find safe places where he can hide for a while, accelerate when attacked by monsters and hope for luck that during the next escape he will not encounter a new dangerous enemy. It may take many attempts, but this is the only way to learn how to survive.

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