Choo-Choo Charles Train Run

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In the game Choo choo charles train run you are waiting for an exciting and deadly journey on the train. You play as a guard who needs to fight off a lot of attacking monsters. You are being hunted by mutant steam trains. They have grown spider legs, and they attack the railroad trains at night. It is for this reason that no one rides here without guards.

How to play?

The main gameplay is a rail shooter, where you are always on the same position and fight off crowds of enemies. Your train is always in motion, but the character is fixed on one platform located on the last carriage. For each kill you will receive money. You can spend them on weapon improvements. You are offered a choice of Uzi, shotgun, sniper rifle and automatic rifle. Each of them has its own features and disadvantages, so during the passage you will often have to combine the available options to effectively stop enemies. Attackers are divided into several categories. The most dangerous is the boss steam engine, which will sometimes enter the arena and attack you. After taking a certain amount of damage, he will retreat to replenish his health, after which he will reappear.

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