Ice Scream: Horror Escape

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In the game Ice scream horror escape well combines the genre of quests and horror. You in the role of a little boy face a rather dangerous situation. When your friend went out to buy ice cream in the van that pulled up, he was grabbed by a maniac sitting in the car. There are no adults around, no one saw the kidnapping, and your friend has already been grabbed. You are the only one who can help him escape from the ice cream maniac.

Gameplay Features

The view in the game is presented from the first person, which is very convenient for searching for items, which you will be actively engaged in here. You are required to get out of the room and follow to the place of kidnapping to free your comrade. First of all, you need to get out of the room. The easiest way to do this is through the window, but there may be other options. The first level requires you to figure out how to get out. To do this, you should quickly look around the room, collect the necessary items, combine them to get useful items and continue on your way. The maniac is stronger than you, so you will need to solve puzzles and perform various tasks to defeat him with your mind. You face serious problems, but thanks to a skillful approach and coolness you will be able to overcome them.

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