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The game Phasmophobia is designed for multiplayer mode. It gathers four players who are researchers of paranormal phenomena. They are required to find ghosts in houses where there is suspicious activity. To do this, the characters are equipped with various tools for finding and disarming ghosts.

What does the game offer?

An interesting cooperative mode awaits you here, where you will go exploring mansions together with other players. There are many rooms in them, but otherworldly entities are attached to only one of them, although traces of their activity can be found all over the house. Each character has their own characteristics and tools to work with. You start with simple items, which you can improve as you progress through the location. By doing so, you increase the characteristics and make it easier to find the ghost. There are more than 20 different ghosts waiting for you here, differing not only in appearance, but also in behavior. You won’t know who exactly the team is looking for, as everything will have to be figured out as you progress. Only by making a concerted effort to pass you can successfully complete the started level and defeat the paranormal activity in the house.

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