Pizza Tower

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Pizza tower game belongs to the genre of platformers, reviving the classic games of the 90s. It is completely made in the style of those times. The character moves around the two-dimensional world, he can transform into different shapes that help to pass certain places on the levels. The character has a lot of funny animations of actions when fighting with enemies, while jumping, collecting items and other things. If you want to see a modern take on a classic, it’s worth playing this game.


The story requires you to go through all the locations to defeat the main enemy, who wants to take away your character’s pizzeria. You need to overcome all the obstacles in the castle located in different locations. To do this, you need to use the opportunities offered there in the form of acceleration, jumping with amplification to destroy obstacles, ducking. On the levels there are many locations with secrets, where you can find lives, extra points and other things useful for passing. At each level you are waiting for a new design and additional puzzles. You will meet not only ordinary enemies, but also bosses at the end of the levels at certain stages of the passage.

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