The Baby In Yellow

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The game The baby in yellow is currently one of the representatives of the modern classics of horror games. It is a short and dynamic adventure filled with mystery and mysticism. Many aspects of the horror atmosphere are built on the contrast between a seemingly harmless child and the terrible events that occur through his fault.

What makes the game scary?

You start in a dark house where you’ve been left to look after a child in yellow. The character moves around with the lights completely off and needs to feed the infant. After feeding and swaddling him, you send him to bed and just at this point the fun begins. Inexplicable events happen in the house, many of them threatening your safety. Leaving the baby alone, you notice that inexplicable events are happening, objects start moving, you hear sounds that should not be there. You have nowhere to go, so you need to save yourself inside the house. To pass the game you need to perform various tasks. After the character is finished with the usual actions, you need to do everything necessary for your rescue. Your goal is to survive until the morning.

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